音乐 Stay With Me (PHONK)-Alexis Burns 的MP3下载
音乐名称:Stay With Me (PHONK)-Alexis Burns
歌手名称:Alexis Burns
专辑名称:Love The Same
更新日期:2025-02-04 22:26:32
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好听的音乐:Stay With Me (PHONK)-Alexis Burns
Stay With Me (PHONK) - Alexis Burns原曲:浆果 - TINY7
Lyrics by:TINY7
Composed by:TINY7
U don believe
You love me and gave me everything
The dark room in the night will be especially bright with you
A piece of heart he fly out when she\'s gone
I just want you in my life
Having having you
Something is changed
My room became a cave
I\'m just like a bat
Hide in the black hole
And stay alone
Wait for you
I\'m done
I lost
Has filled up
Has filled up my world
Keep doing
I wanna it forever
You set my heart on
You always put my mind at ease
But I\'m still nervous without you
But you say u don believe
You love me and gave me everything
The dark room in the night will be especially bright with you
A piece of heart he fly out when she\'s gone
I just want you in my life
Having having you
Something is changed
My room became a cave
I\'m just like a bat
Hide in the black hole
And stay alone
Wait for you
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