歌曲 Older-Searows 的LRC歌词下载


更新日期:2025-02-02 18:27:57


[00:00:00] Older的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:30:00] Aren’t you tired
[00:36:00] I know I am
[00:43:00] Do you still want me here
[00:47:00] In the space between you and your hands
[00:56:00] We shrank the summer down
[01:04:00] To 24 miles
[01:10:00] I can still hear the sound
[01:14:00] Of you laughing all the way down
[01:23:00] We built a tower
[01:30:00] Out of water and sand
[01:36:00] Make it taller than both of us
[01:42:00] And we tear it apart with our hands
[01:51:00] Look at us, carefree
[01:56:00] As we destroy what we made
[02:04:00] I love you carefully
[02:09:00] And I act like I’m dumb for my age
[02:17:00] And I know we’re older
[02:23:00] But she still makes you cry
[02:30:00] And just because she told you so
[02:37:00] It doesn’t mean that she’s right
[02:44:00] And it still gets ugly
[02:50:00] And you still bite your tongue
[02:57:00] But you still have more fight in you
[03:02:00] Than you ever really did when you were young
[03:26:00] Give it up for plain Jane
[03:32:00] There isn’t really much to say
[03:38:00] She’s faster than a bullet train
[03:43:00] And what you tell her she will take to her grave
[03:52:00] “Can you see the laugh lines?”
[03:59:00] She holds her face in the mirror
[04:06:00] She says it like nothings wrong
[04:10:00] But I can hear her disappointment from here
[04:19:00] You think you look older
[04:25:00] I think you look alive
[04:33:00] You were right before when you told me
[04:39:00] Living takes more than to just survive
[04:47:00] What’s a word for lonely
[04:53:00] That doesn’t mean alone
[04:59:00] And what’s that thing you told me
[05:04:00] Something I would understand when I was grown
[05:17:00] I don’t know what I heard
[05:23:00] Or what it takes to forgive
[05:30:00] You were mad at the whole world
[05:36:00] You were angry it didn’t stop when you did
[05:44:00] I am building something else
[05:51:00] It’s not something I will tear down
[05:59:00] I will make it myself
[06:03:00] And I’m too proud to break that promise
[06:07:00] I’d do anything but ask for your help

Aren’t you tired
I know I am
Do you still want me here
In the space between you and your hands
We shrank the summer down
To 24 miles
I can still hear the sound
Of you laughing all the way down
We built a tower
Out of water and sand
Make it taller than both of us
And we tear it apart with our hands
Look at us, carefree
As we destroy what we made
I love you carefully
And I act like I’m dumb for my age
And I know we’re older
But she still makes you cry
And just because she told you so
It doesn’t mean that she’s right
And it still gets ugly
And you still bite your tongue
But you still have more fight in you
Than you ever really did when you were young
Give it up for plain Jane
There isn’t really much to say
She’s faster than a bullet train
And what you tell her she will take to her grave
“Can you see the laugh lines?”
She holds her face in the mirror
She says it like nothings wrong
But I can hear her disappointment from here
You think you look older
I think you look alive
You were right before when you told me
Living takes more than to just survive
What’s a word for lonely
That doesn’t mean alone
And what’s that thing you told me
Something I would understand when I was grown
I don’t know what I heard
Or what it takes to forgive
You were mad at the whole world
You were angry it didn’t stop when you did
I am building something else
It’s not something I will tear down
I will make it myself
And I’m too proud to break that promise
I’d do anything but ask for your help

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  2. 2、修改保存好的txt文件后缀为.lrc即可
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