歌曲 TALK2ME (Explicit)-Latroy 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:TALK2ME (Explicit)-Latroy
专辑名称:PROJECT AQUARIUS (Explicit)
更新日期:2025-01-31 21:48:50

TALK2ME (Explicit)的歌词

[00:00:00] TALK2ME (Explicit)的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[02:37:00] why would I stay committed
[02:37:00] if you ain’t really wit it?
[02:37:00] can’t even focus, nah
[02:37:00] need you to focus on me, yeah
[02:37:00] cause you lead me to this
[02:37:00] and you knew it too
[02:37:00] new n**** ain’t even half this good
[02:37:00] just talk to me like you do
[02:37:00] talk to me like you do
[02:37:00] rain on me like you do
[02:37:00] cry for me like you do, ah
[02:37:00] talk to me like you
[02:37:00] talk to me like you do (ooo)
[02:37:00] and i’ll do that
[02:37:00] for you , too
[02:37:00] old n*****
[02:37:00] come around town
[02:37:00] say they make 5 figures
[02:37:00] now you wanna cut up
[02:37:00] and spend time with him
[02:37:00] can’t you see that nigga is a whole ass lie
[02:37:00] he got about 5 wife’s
[02:37:00] wouldn’t do that to you
[02:37:00] nah i’m here for life
[02:37:00] I put that on my life
[02:37:00] tell me
[02:37:00] was it real
[02:37:00] all those things you told me
[02:37:00] keep it trill
[02:37:00] or would you lie right to my face just like every other day
[02:37:00] you can’t can’t be trusted even though I love you my babe
[02:37:00] and you flew away, on the other side of outer space
[02:37:00] I want to see you but you’re, miles and miles

why would I stay committed
if you ain’t really wit it?
can’t even focus, nah
need you to focus on me, yeah
cause you lead me to this
and you knew it too
new n**** ain’t even half this good
just talk to me like you do
talk to me like you do
rain on me like you do
cry for me like you do, ah
talk to me like you
talk to me like you do (ooo)
and i’ll do that
for you , too
old n*****
come around town
say they make 5 figures
now you wanna cut up
and spend time with him
can’t you see that nigga is a whole ass lie
he got about 5 wife’s
wouldn’t do that to you
nah i’m here for life
I put that on my life
tell me
was it real
all those things you told me
keep it trill
or would you lie right to my face just like every other day
you can’t can’t be trusted even though I love you my babe
and you flew away, on the other side of outer space
I want to see you but you’re, miles and miles

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