歌曲 I Want You-MiRRORS 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:I Want You-MiRRORS
专辑名称:Artificial Humanity - Metallic Variant (Explicit)
更新日期:2025-01-30 13:12:47

I Want You的歌词

[00:00:00] I Want You的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[02:56:00] Wild and dirty
[02:56:00] Make my mind spin
[02:56:00] And the very thought of it
[02:56:00] Just turns me on
[02:56:00] My fantasizing baby
[02:56:00] It\'s who you are
[02:56:00] And I want you so bad
[02:56:00] I\'m the fool that believes I\'m not weak for you
[02:56:00] It\'s no good \'cause I can\'t get enough of you
[02:56:00] I assume all the wrong that I\'ll do for you
[02:56:00] Berry blue
[02:56:00] Now I want you
[02:56:00] I want it
[02:56:00] I need it
[02:56:00] I want it
[02:56:00] I need it
[02:56:00] Grind it
[02:56:00] Slow and dirty
[02:56:00] Makes my blood melt
[02:56:00] Round and round my head
[02:56:00] Just teasing me
[02:56:00] Irresistible baby
[02:56:00] Come get a taste
[02:56:00] You know I want you too
[02:56:00] I\'m the fool that believes I\'m not weak for you
[02:56:00] It\'s no good \'cause I can\'t get enough of you
[02:56:00] I assume all the wrong that I\'ll do for you
[02:56:00] Berry blue
[02:56:00] Now I want you
[02:56:00] I want it
[02:56:00] I need it
[02:56:00] I want it
[02:56:00] I need it
[02:56:00] Grind it
[02:56:00] I\'m the fool that believes I\'m not weak for you
[02:56:00] It\'s no good \'cause I can\'t get enough of you
[02:56:00] I assume all the wrong that I\'ll do for you
[02:56:00] Berry blue
[02:56:00] Now I want you

Wild and dirty
Make my mind spin
And the very thought of it
Just turns me on
My fantasizing baby
It\'s who you are
And I want you so bad
I\'m the fool that believes I\'m not weak for you
It\'s no good \'cause I can\'t get enough of you
I assume all the wrong that I\'ll do for you
Berry blue
Now I want you
I want it
I need it
I want it
I need it
Grind it
Slow and dirty
Makes my blood melt
Round and round my head
Just teasing me
Irresistible baby
Come get a taste
You know I want you too
I\'m the fool that believes I\'m not weak for you
It\'s no good \'cause I can\'t get enough of you
I assume all the wrong that I\'ll do for you
Berry blue
Now I want you
I want it
I need it
I want it
I need it
Grind it
I\'m the fool that believes I\'m not weak for you
It\'s no good \'cause I can\'t get enough of you
I assume all the wrong that I\'ll do for you
Berry blue
Now I want you

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  1. 1、复制歌曲的LRC歌词,保存到txt文件
  2. 2、修改保存好的txt文件后缀为.lrc即可
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