歌曲 Things You Said (Instrumental)-Cody Fry 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:Things You Said (Instrumental)-Cody Fry
歌手名称:Cody Fry
专辑名称:Things You Said (那些深入人心的旋律)
更新日期:2025-01-30 10:03:28

Things You Said (Instrumental)的歌词

[00:00:00] Things You Said (Instrumental)的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] Things You Said - Cody Fry/希林娜依高
[00:02:00] Lyrics by:Cody Fry/Mingli Shen/Sophies Guo/Pengpeng Zhang
[00:04:00] Composed by:Cody Fry
[00:05:00] Produced by:Chad Copelin
[00:17:00] I was walking in the woods one day
[00:21:00] Trying to keep the ghosts at bay
[00:25:00] Then I thought I saw your face but it was just leaves
[00:32:00] I see you in the strangest things
[00:35:00] Your voice in every bird that sings
[00:39:00] Can they hear it echoing or is that just me
[00:48:00] I don\'t believe in haunted houses
[00:54:00] But I still see you there on the bed
[01:02:00] You didn\'t leave me much but the things you said
[01:11:00] They stayed they stayed
[01:23:00] 不知不觉走到这条街
[01:27:00] 就好像昨天从未改变
[01:31:00] 找寻着你的出现或许是我太留恋
[01:38:00] 白昼更替月复一月
[01:42:00] 你一定厌倦了这些
[01:45:00] 我试着藏好关于你离开的这一切
[01:54:00] 未知都是命运的善待
[02:01:00] 而你永远住在我脑海
[02:09:00] 时间带不走你给的答案
[02:17:00] 不别 不散
[02:29:00] I still see you
[02:33:00] You still see me
[02:37:00] But we don\'t see each other anymore
[02:44:00] I still love you
[02:48:00] You still love me
[02:52:00] But we can\'t love each other anymore
[02:58:00] Can we
[03:30:00] I don\'t believe in haunted houses
[03:37:00] 除了你和回忆的钟摆
[03:45:00] I wish I hadn\'t said all the things I said

Things You Said - Cody Fry/希林娜依高
Lyrics by:Cody Fry/Mingli Shen/Sophies Guo/Pengpeng Zhang
Composed by:Cody Fry
Produced by:Chad Copelin
I was walking in the woods one day
Trying to keep the ghosts at bay
Then I thought I saw your face but it was just leaves
I see you in the strangest things
Your voice in every bird that sings
Can they hear it echoing or is that just me
I don\'t believe in haunted houses
But I still see you there on the bed
You didn\'t leave me much but the things you said
They stayed they stayed
不别 不散
I still see you
You still see me
But we don\'t see each other anymore
I still love you
You still love me
But we can\'t love each other anymore
Can we
I don\'t believe in haunted houses
I wish I hadn\'t said all the things I said

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