歌曲 Lost Control (心旷神怡)-模糊的记忆 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:Lost Control (心旷神怡)-模糊的记忆
专辑名称:Molly’s Song
更新日期:2025-01-25 00:43:21

Lost Control (心旷神怡)的歌词

[00:00:00] Lost Control (心旷神怡)的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] Lost Control(心旷神怡)
[00:09:00] 词:模糊的记忆
[00:14:00] 曲:模糊的记忆
[00:16:00] Fly high, towards the sky, 
[00:24:00] My dreams are like a guiding star, 
[00:31:00] No matter how far, no matter how hard, 
[00:41:00] I\'ll reach for what\'s mine, never stop. 
[00:50:00] The road is long and winding, 
[00:58:00] But hope is always by my side, 
[01:04:00] With every step I take, 
[01:08:00] I\'m getting closer to my pride. 
[01:37:00] Fly high, towards the sky, 
[01:45:00] My dreams are like a guiding star, 
[01:52:00] No matter how far, no matter how hard, 
[02:03:00] I\'ll reach for what\'s mine, never stop. 
[02:11:00] When darkness tries to hide the light, 
[02:19:00] I\'ll hold on tight, with all my might, 
[02:25:00] Cause I know that the dawn will come, 
[02:54:00] And my dreams will finally shine. 
[02:59:00] Fly high, towards the sky, 
[03:07:00] My dreams are like a guiding star, 
[03:20:00] No matter how far, no matter how hard, 
[03:31:00] I\'ll reach for what\'s mine, never stop.

Lost Control(心旷神怡)
Fly high, towards the sky,
My dreams are like a guiding star,
No matter how far, no matter how hard,
I\'ll reach for what\'s mine, never stop.
The road is long and winding,
But hope is always by my side,
With every step I take,
I\'m getting closer to my pride.
Fly high, towards the sky,
My dreams are like a guiding star,
No matter how far, no matter how hard,
I\'ll reach for what\'s mine, never stop.
When darkness tries to hide the light,
I\'ll hold on tight, with all my might,
Cause I know that the dawn will come,
And my dreams will finally shine.
Fly high, towards the sky,
My dreams are like a guiding star,
No matter how far, no matter how hard,
I\'ll reach for what\'s mine, never stop.

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  1. 1、复制歌曲的LRC歌词,保存到txt文件
  2. 2、修改保存好的txt文件后缀为.lrc即可
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