歌曲 Who Took The Cookie?-canhld 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:Who Took The Cookie?-canhld
专辑名称:Who Took The Cookie?
更新日期:2025-01-16 02:46:41

Who Took The Cookie?的歌词

[00:00:00] Who Took The Cookie?的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[01:20:00] Verse 1:
[01:20:00] Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
[01:20:00] Was it you? Or was it me?
[01:20:00] Who took the cookie, tell us now!
[01:20:00] Come on, let’s solve this mystery!
[01:20:00] Chorus:
[01:20:00] Who, who, who took the cookie?
[01:20:00] Who, who, who could it be?
[01:20:00] Was it a bear, or was it a cat?
[01:20:00] Who took the cookie, let\'s find out that!
[01:20:00] Verse 2:
[01:20:00] Was it little kitty, with her tiny paws?
[01:20:00] Or maybe it was puppy, breaking cookie laws?
[01:20:00] Who took the cookie, can you say?
[01:20:00] Help us find out right away!
[01:20:00] Chorus:
[01:20:00] Who, who, who took the cookie?
[01:20:00] Who, who, who could it be?
[01:20:00] Was it a mouse, or was it a dog?
[01:20:00] Who took the cookie, answer the log!
[01:20:00] Bridge:
[01:20:00] Maybe it was elephant, with his trunk so long,
[01:20:00] Or maybe it was monkey, always up to something wrong.
[01:20:00] Who took the cookie? Let’s look and see,
[01:20:00] The answer’s hiding, where could it be?
[01:20:00] Chorus:
[01:20:00] Who, who, who took the cookie?
[01:20:00] Who, who, who could it be?
[01:20:00] Was it you, or was it me?
[01:20:00] Who took the cookie? Now we all agree!
[01:20:00] Outro:
[01:20:00] Who took the cookie? Now we know,
[01:20:00] Let’s share the cookies, and watch them go!

Verse 1:
Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
Was it you? Or was it me?
Who took the cookie, tell us now!
Come on, let’s solve this mystery!
Who, who, who took the cookie?
Who, who, who could it be?
Was it a bear, or was it a cat?
Who took the cookie, let\'s find out that!
Verse 2:
Was it little kitty, with her tiny paws?
Or maybe it was puppy, breaking cookie laws?
Who took the cookie, can you say?
Help us find out right away!
Who, who, who took the cookie?
Who, who, who could it be?
Was it a mouse, or was it a dog?
Who took the cookie, answer the log!
Maybe it was elephant, with his trunk so long,
Or maybe it was monkey, always up to something wrong.
Who took the cookie? Let’s look and see,
The answer’s hiding, where could it be?
Who, who, who took the cookie?
Who, who, who could it be?
Was it you, or was it me?
Who took the cookie? Now we all agree!
Who took the cookie? Now we know,
Let’s share the cookies, and watch them go!

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