歌曲 Put A little Umph in it (Hey boy)-耳朵超市 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:Put A little Umph in it (Hey boy)-耳朵超市
更新日期:2025-01-12 12:36:27

Put A little Umph in it (Hey boy)的歌词

[00:00:00] Put A little Umph in it (Hey boy)的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] Boy you\'re the only one that I want
[00:03:00] You\'re the only one that I wanna give it to an every way
[00:06:00] I wanna please ya
[00:07:00] Not tease ya like this
[00:09:00] You say you like it when squeeze a little bit
[00:11:00] Boy you ain\'t felt nothing
[00:13:00] I hear this steady view and I want it I get you
[00:17:00] In the door of city lights we find a way
[00:22:00] We every heartbeat beat
[00:24:00] Let the music play
[00:26:00] So much love so much should wait for
[00:32:00] This rhythm
[00:33:00] Let\'s lose it all baby
[00:36:00] The whip let it take you high
[00:38:00] Underneath we in the sky
[00:41:00] Put you by my side night feels right in the serade night
[00:47:00] Air in the sky
[00:49:00] In this heart and peace that your would mine
[00:53:00] Christmas in the night
[00:55:00] Gently crying our name
[00:58:00] In the serban paradise will fan the plane
[01:02:00] Moonlight paint a story on the sky
[01:07:00] In your eyes the future we can define
[01:12:00] Let take you high
[01:14:00] Underneath to regret my sky
[01:17:00] Put you by my side night feels right
[01:20:00] In the say ser nights and night
[01:23:00] Be ser in the sky
[01:25:00] In this car and peace let your
[01:30:00] You spell that the standing
[01:34:00] Much for some even high you tell that the to stay
[01:44:00] I get stolen no
[02:00:00] Oh
[02:06:00] Mr need symphony
[02:08:00] Play them the night
[02:11:00] Every moment with you feels like a tease
[02:15:00] Doesnt align the shadows
[02:17:00] Theres a way
[02:19:00] In your arms forever I don\'t stay
[02:23:00] We gonna take you high
[02:26:00] Underneath the velvet sky
[02:28:00] With every heartbeat wrapped and moon they scene
[02:32:00] Is love electries in every magic
[02:37:00] Yellow final heaven
[02:40:00] Take you higher
[02:44:00] Underneath the in the sky
[02:46:00] Put you by my side and like friend
[02:49:00] Seven and night three seven in my sky
[02:55:00] In this r and please

Boy you\'re the only one that I want
You\'re the only one that I wanna give it to an every way
I wanna please ya
Not tease ya like this
You say you like it when squeeze a little bit
Boy you ain\'t felt nothing
I hear this steady view and I want it I get you
In the door of city lights we find a way
We every heartbeat beat
Let the music play
So much love so much should wait for
This rhythm
Let\'s lose it all baby
The whip let it take you high
Underneath we in the sky
Put you by my side night feels right in the serade night
Air in the sky
In this heart and peace that your would mine
Christmas in the night
Gently crying our name
In the serban paradise will fan the plane
Moonlight paint a story on the sky
In your eyes the future we can define
Let take you high
Underneath to regret my sky
Put you by my side night feels right
In the say ser nights and night
Be ser in the sky
In this car and peace let your
You spell that the standing
Much for some even high you tell that the to stay
I get stolen no
Mr need symphony
Play them the night
Every moment with you feels like a tease
Doesnt align the shadows
Theres a way
In your arms forever I don\'t stay
We gonna take you high
Underneath the velvet sky
With every heartbeat wrapped and moon they scene
Is love electries in every magic
Yellow final heaven
Take you higher
Underneath the in the sky
Put you by my side and like friend
Seven and night three seven in my sky
In this r and please

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