歌曲 Deja Vu (cover: 浮奇ヴィオレタ) (其他)-竖折 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:Deja Vu (cover: 浮奇ヴィオレタ) (其他)-竖折
更新日期:2025-01-04 16:26:33

Deja Vu (cover: 浮奇ヴィオレタ) (其他)的歌词

[00:00:00] Deja Vu (cover: 浮奇ヴィオレタ) (其他)的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:11:00] Theres a tale a legend told
[00:16:00] When the night was full of light
[00:22:00] Every thousand years the skies would shake
[00:27:00] Every glow would fall from sight
[00:32:00] One who will be chosen must become divine
[00:39:00] Channeling the power of the universe inside
[00:45:00] Ive been blinded by the clear vision from the other side
[00:56:00] A star has fallen in my eye
[01:02:00] Transforming to purple light
[01:07:00] Supernatural energy inside
[01:13:00] Look into my eyes right now
[01:19:00] Stella ex inani
[01:25:00] Revelare te
[01:31:00] Ut nos iter in tempore
[01:41:00] Suddenly off the ground
[01:47:00] A force starts lifting me
[01:52:00] Coming from myself fluidly
[01:58:00] I float above the sea
[02:03:00] One who will be chosen must become divine
[02:10:00] Channeling the power of the universe inside
[02:15:00] Ive been blinded by the clear vision from the other side
[02:26:00] A star has fallen in my eye
[02:32:00] Transforming to purple light
[02:37:00] Supernatural energy inside
[02:43:00] Look into my eyes right now
[03:01:00] I can feel the wind on my face
[03:06:00] Psychic energy radiates
[03:12:00] Somethings coming through so bright
[03:23:00] It feels like deja vu
[03:40:00] One who will be chosen must become divine
[03:51:00] Channeling the power of the universe inside
[03:57:00] Ive been blinded by the clear vision from the other side

Theres a tale a legend told
When the night was full of light
Every thousand years the skies would shake
Every glow would fall from sight
One who will be chosen must become divine
Channeling the power of the universe inside
Ive been blinded by the clear vision from the other side
A star has fallen in my eye
Transforming to purple light
Supernatural energy inside
Look into my eyes right now
Stella ex inani
Revelare te
Ut nos iter in tempore
Suddenly off the ground
A force starts lifting me
Coming from myself fluidly
I float above the sea
One who will be chosen must become divine
Channeling the power of the universe inside
Ive been blinded by the clear vision from the other side
A star has fallen in my eye
Transforming to purple light
Supernatural energy inside
Look into my eyes right now
I can feel the wind on my face
Psychic energy radiates
Somethings coming through so bright
It feels like deja vu
One who will be chosen must become divine
Channeling the power of the universe inside
Ive been blinded by the clear vision from the other side

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  1. 1、复制歌曲的LRC歌词,保存到txt文件
  2. 2、修改保存好的txt文件后缀为.lrc即可
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