歌曲 Unstop-richSUGAR 的LRC歌词下载


专辑名称:Heartbeat Anthem
更新日期:2025-01-01 21:10:06


[00:00:00] Unstop的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[02:34:00] Look in the mirror
[02:34:00] What do I see?
[02:34:00] A shining star, that\'s me
[02:34:00] With every step
[02:34:00] I light up the room
[02:34:00] Confidence blooms
[02:34:00] Like a flower in bloom
[02:34:00] I\'m fabulous, I\'m fierce
[02:34:00] Got that style, never a pierce
[02:34:00] Every move, a graceful dance
[02:34:00] Living life, taking a chance
[02:34:00] Walkin\' tall, head held high
[02:34:00] In my world, I touch the sky
[02:34:00] With every laugh
[02:34:00] With every smile
[02:34:00] I embrace myself
[02:34:00] In my own style
[02:34:00] I\'m fabulous
[02:34:00] I\'m fierce
[02:34:00] Got that style, never a pierce
[02:34:00] Every move, a graceful dance
[02:34:00] Living life, taking a chance
[02:34:00] No need to pretend
[02:34:00] I\'m just me
[02:34:00] Embracing flaws
[02:34:00] Setting myself free
[02:34:00] I\'m fabulous, I\'m fierce
[02:34:00] Got that style, never a pierce
[02:34:00] Every move, a graceful dance
[02:34:00] Living life, taking a chance
[02:34:00] So raise a glass, to being unique
[02:34:00] In my own skin, I\'m at my peak

Look in the mirror
What do I see?
A shining star, that\'s me
With every step
I light up the room
Confidence blooms
Like a flower in bloom
I\'m fabulous, I\'m fierce
Got that style, never a pierce
Every move, a graceful dance
Living life, taking a chance
Walkin\' tall, head held high
In my world, I touch the sky
With every laugh
With every smile
I embrace myself
In my own style
I\'m fabulous
I\'m fierce
Got that style, never a pierce
Every move, a graceful dance
Living life, taking a chance
No need to pretend
I\'m just me
Embracing flaws
Setting myself free
I\'m fabulous, I\'m fierce
Got that style, never a pierce
Every move, a graceful dance
Living life, taking a chance
So raise a glass, to being unique
In my own skin, I\'m at my peak

悦听音乐网分享 Unstop-richSUGAR 的音乐歌词下载,最新的音乐LRC歌词下载。


  1. 1、复制歌曲的LRC歌词,保存到txt文件
  2. 2、修改保存好的txt文件后缀为.lrc即可
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