歌曲 In The Woods Somewhere (Bonus Track)-Hozier 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:In The Woods Somewhere (Bonus Track)-Hozier
专辑名称:Hozier (Bonus Tracks Version)
更新日期:2016-08-16 08:27:19

In The Woods Somewhere (Bonus Track)的歌词

[00:00:00] In The Woods Somewhere (Bonus Track)的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:01:00] In The Woods Somewhere (Bonus Track) - Hozier 
[00:24:00] Her head was warm,
[00:27:00] Her skin was soaked.
[00:31:00] I called your name "til the fever broke.
[00:40:00] When I awoke
[00:43:00] The moon still hung.
[00:47:00] The night so black that the darkness hummed
[01:03:00] I raised myself.
[01:06:00] My legs were weak.
[01:11:00] I prayed my mind be good to me.
[01:19:00] An awful noise
[01:23:00] Filled the air.
[01:26:00] I heard a scream in the woods somewhere.
[02:02:00] A woman"s voice!
[02:05:00] I quickly ran
[02:09:00] Into the trees with empty hands.
[02:18:00] A fox it was,
[02:21:00] He shook afraid.
[02:25:00] I spoke no words, no sound he made.
[02:41:00] His bone exposed,
[02:45:00] His hind was lame.
[02:49:00] I raised a stone to end his pain.
[02:57:00] What caused the wound?
[03:00:00] how large the teeth?
[03:04:00] I sure knew eyes were watching me.
[03:40:00] The creature lunged.
[03:43:00] I turned and ran
[03:47:00] To save a life I didn"t have.
[03:55:00] Deer in the chase
[03:59:00] There as I flew
[04:03:00] Forgot all prayers of joining you.
[04:19:00] I clutched my life
[04:22:00] And wished it kept.
[04:26:00] My dearest love I"m not done yet
[04:35:00] How many years
[04:38:00] I know I"ll bear
[04:42:00] I found something in the woods somewhere

In The Woods Somewhere (Bonus Track) - Hozier 
Her head was warm,
Her skin was soaked.
I called your name "til the fever broke.
When I awoke
The moon still hung.
The night so black that the darkness hummed
I raised myself.
My legs were weak.
I prayed my mind be good to me.
An awful noise
Filled the air.
I heard a scream in the woods somewhere.
A woman"s voice!
I quickly ran
Into the trees with empty hands.
A fox it was,
He shook afraid.
I spoke no words, no sound he made.
His bone exposed,
His hind was lame.
I raised a stone to end his pain.
What caused the wound?
how large the teeth?
I sure knew eyes were watching me.
The creature lunged.
I turned and ran
To save a life I didn"t have.
Deer in the chase
There as I flew
Forgot all prayers of joining you.
I clutched my life
And wished it kept.
My dearest love I"m not done yet
How many years
I know I"ll bear
I found something in the woods somewhere

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