歌曲 Already Home-A Great Big World 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:Already Home-A Great Big World
歌手名称:A Great Big World
专辑名称:Is There Anybody Out There?
更新日期:2016-05-10 13:12:05

Already Home的歌词

[00:00:00] Already Home的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] Already Home - A Great Big World
[00:12:00] You say love is what you put into it
[00:18:00] You say that I"m losing my will
[00:23:00] Don"t you know that you"re all that I think about?
[00:28:00] You make up a half of the whole
[00:35:00] You say that it"s hard to commit to it
[00:40:00] You say that it"s hard standing still
[00:46:00] Don"t you know that I spend all my nights
[00:51:00] Counting backwards the days "til I"m home?
[00:56:00] If only New York wasn"t so far away
[01:01:00] I promise the city won"t get in our way
[01:07:00] When you"re scared and alone,
[01:11:00] Just know that I"m already home
[01:21:00] I say that we"re right in the heart of it
[01:27:00] A love only we understand
[01:32:00] I will bend every light in this city
[01:37:00] And make sure they"re shining on you
[01:42:00] If only New York wasn"t so far away
[01:47:00] I promise the city won"t get in our way
[01:53:00] When you"re scared and alone,
[01:57:00] Just know that I"m already home
[02:07:00] When life takes its own course
[02:13:00] Sometimes we just don"t get to choose
[02:19:00] I"d rather be there next to you
[02:23:00] Promise you"ll wait for me, wait for me
[02:28:00] Wait "til I"m home
[02:42:00] All I have is this feeling inside of me
[02:46:00] The only thing I"ve ever known
[02:51:00] If only New York wasn"t so far away
[02:57:00] I promise the city won"t get in our way
[03:03:00] When you"re scared and alone,
[03:06:00] Just know that I"m already home
[03:12:00] If only New York wasn"t so far away
[03:17:00] I will be there every step of the way
[03:23:00] When you"re scared and alone,
[03:27:00] Just know that I"m already home
[03:36:00] Just know that I"m already home

Already Home - A Great Big World
You say love is what you put into it
You say that I"m losing my will
Don"t you know that you"re all that I think about?
You make up a half of the whole
You say that it"s hard to commit to it
You say that it"s hard standing still
Don"t you know that I spend all my nights
Counting backwards the days "til I"m home?
If only New York wasn"t so far away
I promise the city won"t get in our way
When you"re scared and alone,
Just know that I"m already home
I say that we"re right in the heart of it
A love only we understand
I will bend every light in this city
And make sure they"re shining on you
If only New York wasn"t so far away
I promise the city won"t get in our way
When you"re scared and alone,
Just know that I"m already home
When life takes its own course
Sometimes we just don"t get to choose
I"d rather be there next to you
Promise you"ll wait for me, wait for me
Wait "til I"m home
All I have is this feeling inside of me
The only thing I"ve ever known
If only New York wasn"t so far away
I promise the city won"t get in our way
When you"re scared and alone,
Just know that I"m already home
If only New York wasn"t so far away
I will be there every step of the way
When you"re scared and alone,
Just know that I"m already home
Just know that I"m already home

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