歌曲 Paper Love (Acoustic)-Allie X 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:Paper Love (Acoustic)-Allie X
歌手名称:Allie X
专辑名称:Paper Love (Acoustic)
更新日期:2018-02-07 14:11:21

Paper Love (Acoustic)的歌词

[00:00:00] Paper Love (Acoustic)的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] Paper Love (Acoustic) - Allie X 
[00:10:00] I believe I believe in the things you do
[00:15:00] And I wanna believe you believe that too
[00:20:00] All the noise in my ear that I hear about you
[00:26:00] Pray it can"t pray it don"t pray it won"t come true
[00:31:00] I know you were thinking
[00:33:00] Bad things when you kissed me oh
[00:36:00] Your tongue told me every lie
[00:41:00] Sad song warm occasion
[00:44:00] Last week swear no matter what
[00:46:00] I"ll be stretching out the time
[00:51:00] Oh I know that boy"s gonna rip me up
[00:55:00] "Cause he ain"t that nice he won"t do right
[00:58:00] He"ll leave a nasty cut
[01:01:00] Oh I cry until I just dissolve
[01:06:00] Come on watch my heart turn to pulp
[01:09:00] Like paper paper paper
[01:16:00] Paper love
[01:29:00] Paper paper love
[01:32:00] I believe I believe in a line so thin
[01:37:00] There"s a light there"s a light and it pulls me in
[01:42:00] Going down going down "til I chip my chin
[01:47:00] Take my head in your hands pop it with a pin
[01:53:00] I know you were thinking
[01:55:00] Bad things when you kissed me oh
[01:58:00] Your tongue told me every lie
[02:03:00] Sad song warm occasion
[02:05:00] Last week swear no matter what
[02:08:00] I"ll be stretching out the time
[02:13:00] Oh I know that boy"s gonna rip me up
[02:17:00] "Cause he ain"t that nice he won"t do right
[02:20:00] He"ll leave a nasty cut
[02:23:00] Oh I cry until I just dissolve
[02:28:00] Come on watch my heart turn to pulp
[02:30:00] Like paper paper paper
[02:32:00] Paper love
[02:41:00] Paper paper love
[02:51:00] Paper love
[02:53:00] Paper paper love

Paper Love (Acoustic) - Allie X 
I believe I believe in the things you do
And I wanna believe you believe that too
All the noise in my ear that I hear about you
Pray it can"t pray it don"t pray it won"t come true
I know you were thinking
Bad things when you kissed me oh
Your tongue told me every lie
Sad song warm occasion
Last week swear no matter what
I"ll be stretching out the time
Oh I know that boy"s gonna rip me up
"Cause he ain"t that nice he won"t do right
He"ll leave a nasty cut
Oh I cry until I just dissolve
Come on watch my heart turn to pulp
Like paper paper paper
Paper love
Paper paper love
I believe I believe in a line so thin
There"s a light there"s a light and it pulls me in
Going down going down "til I chip my chin
Take my head in your hands pop it with a pin
I know you were thinking
Bad things when you kissed me oh
Your tongue told me every lie
Sad song warm occasion
Last week swear no matter what
I"ll be stretching out the time
Oh I know that boy"s gonna rip me up
"Cause he ain"t that nice he won"t do right
He"ll leave a nasty cut
Oh I cry until I just dissolve
Come on watch my heart turn to pulp
Like paper paper paper
Paper love
Paper paper love
Paper love
Paper paper love

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