[03:40:00] Mo migo Mimosa
[03:40:00] Chinchilla Vanilla 
[03:40:00] Oooh lala XOX
[03:40:00] Ooh lala XOX
[03:40:00] Inside jelly brain juice flowing
[03:40:00] Gasping squeezing whipping hopping 
[03:40:00] Inside jelly brain juice flowing
[03:40:00] Gasping squeezing whipping hopping 
[03:40:00] Sit on baby give me more eggs 
[03:40:00] Winds of vengeance waiting for yous
[03:40:00] Best friend milkshake easing your pains
[03:40:00] DNA connecting the dots
[03:40:00] Convince me convince me convince me
[03:40:00] Shapeshifter
[03:40:00] Dig deeper
[03:40:00] Search for the sword
[03:40:00] Juggle your way out 
[03:40:00] Treasure hunting cotton candy Monsters     
[03:40:00] Inside jelly brain juice flowing
[03:40:00] Gasping squeezing whipping hopping 
[03:40:00] Inside jelly brain juice flowing
[03:40:00] Gasping squeezing whipping hopping 
[03:40:00] Sit on baby give me more eggs 
[03:40:00] Winds of vengeance waiting for you
[03:40:00] Best friend milkshake easing your pains
[03:40:00] DNA connecting the dots
[03:40:00] Convince me convince me convince me
[03:40:00] Digital chimes
[03:40:00] Beep beep boop
[03:40:00] Burger ate pizza      
[03:40:00] Cling clang clang clang

(Burger ate Pizza) -


-(Burger ate Pizza)的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲-(Burger ate Pizza)的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供-(Burger ate Pizza)的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

歌曲(Burger ate Pizza)的歌词下载

Mo migo Mimosa
Chinchilla Vanilla
Oooh lala XOX
Ooh lala XOX
Inside jelly brain juice flowing
Gasping squeezing whipping hopping
Inside jelly brain juice flowing
Gasping squeezing whipping hopping
Sit on baby give me more eggs
Winds of vengeance waiting for yous
Best friend milkshake easing your pains
DNA connecting the dots
Convince me convince me convince me
Dig deeper
Search for the sword
Juggle your way out
Treasure hunting cotton candy Monsters
Inside jelly brain juice flowing
Gasping squeezing whipping hopping
Inside jelly brain juice flowing
Gasping squeezing whipping hopping
Sit on baby give me more eggs
Winds of vengeance waiting for you
Best friend milkshake easing your pains
DNA connecting the dots
Convince me convince me convince me
Digital chimes
Beep beep boop
Burger ate pizza
Cling clang clang clang

悦听音乐网提供-(Burger ate Pizza)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,(Burger ate Pizza)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
