[00:00:00] 时间会融化所有-Fast Cars &Superstars (低音炮)
[00:02:00] Lyrics by:Martin Robert Barrick
[00:04:00] Composed by:Cristian Marchi、Paolo Sandrini
[00:06:00] When the bass gets bumpin
[00:08:00] Up in the club
[00:10:00] Pour another shot
[00:12:00] And show me some love
[00:13:00] I wanna get the party goin
[00:16:00] Ladies to the front
[00:18:00] Now let me see you shake it
[00:19:00] &turn the music up
[00:28:00] When the bass gets bumpin
[00:30:00] Up in the club
[00:32:00] Pour another shot
[00:34:00] And show me some love
[00:35:00] I wanna get the party goin
[00:38:00] Ladies to the front
[00:40:00] Now let me see you shake it
[00:41:00] &turn the music up
[00:50:00] When the bass gets bumpin
[00:52:00] Up in the club
[00:54:00] Pour another shot
[00:56:00] And show me some love
[00:57:00] I wanna get the party goin
[01:00:00] Ladies to the front
[01:01:00] Now let me see you shake it
[01:03:00] &turn the music up

Fast Cars & Superstars (低音炮) (cover: 时间会融化所有) - PixivMirai


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歌曲Fast Cars & Superstars (低音炮) (cover: 时间会融化所有)的歌词下载

时间会融化所有-Fast Cars &Superstars (低音炮)
Lyrics by:Martin Robert Barrick
Composed by:Cristian Marchi、Paolo Sandrini
When the bass gets bumpin
Up in the club
Pour another shot
And show me some love
I wanna get the party goin
Ladies to the front
Now let me see you shake it
&turn the music up
When the bass gets bumpin
Up in the club
Pour another shot
And show me some love
I wanna get the party goin
Ladies to the front
Now let me see you shake it
&turn the music up
When the bass gets bumpin
Up in the club
Pour another shot
And show me some love
I wanna get the party goin
Ladies to the front
Now let me see you shake it
&turn the music up

悦听音乐网提供PixivMirai-Fast Cars & Superstars (低音炮) (cover: 时间会融化所有)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Fast Cars & Superstars (低音炮) (cover: 时间会融化所有)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。