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歌曲I Was Made For Lovin’ You的歌词下载:
I Was Made For Lovin’ You - YUNGBLUD/Dominic Lewis
作曲: Desmond Child/Vincent Poncia/Paul Stanley
Tonight, I want to see it in your eyes
今夜 我只想为你倾尽所有
Feel the tension, there\'s something that drives me wild
黑暗之中 涌动着我难以言喻的渴望
And, tonight, I want to make it all come true
\'Cause, girl, you were made for me
因为 女孩 我为你而生
And, girl, I was made for you
正如你 命中注定属于我
I was made for lovin\' you, baby
我为爱你而生 亲爱的
You were made for lovin\' me
I can\'t get enough of you, baby
我对你欲罢不能 亲爱的
You can\'t get enough of me
而你对我又是否无法自拔 感同身受
I was made for lovin\' you
我为爱你而生 亲爱的
And you were made for lovin\' me
I can give it all to you, baby
我愿倾我所有 亲爱的
Can you give it all to me?
I was made for lovin\' you, baby
我为爱你而生 亲爱的
You were made for lovin\' me
I can\'t get enough of you, baby
我对你欲罢不能 亲爱的
You can\'t get enough of me
而你对我又是否无法自拔 感同身受
I was made for lovin\' you
我为爱你而生 亲爱的
And you were made for lovin\' me
I can give it all to you, baby
我愿倾我所有 亲爱的
Can you give it all to me?
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