[04:45:00] When will you get up ? It\'s no longer enough to pretend. 
[04:45:00] When will you wake up ?  It didn\'t turn out the way you planned ! 
[04:45:00] Everyone\'s too blind to see this is another issue for me. 
[04:45:00] Have you given up ? (Yes, you did - long ago) 
[04:45:00] So will you show up before the whole world comes to an end ? 
[04:45:00] And will you grow up ? Or will I have to take you by the hand ? 
[04:45:00] I know it\'s tough. I won\'t be too rough on you. 
[04:45:00] Can you take it ? 
[04:45:00] All my life I\'ve been running too fast,
[04:45:00] I don\'t know why I\'m still running out of time.
[04:45:00] One by one I will conquer you all no matter how high the wall ! 
[04:45:00] Is everything up ?  Are you telling me that\'s all I can get ? 
[04:45:00] I\'m gonna blow up ! You\'ll say it was the next logical step.
[04:45:00] It\'s the way I feel, always have, always will. 
[04:45:00] Something compels me to run and so much needs to be done. 
[04:45:00] But I can take it.  
[04:45:00] All my life I\'ve been running too fast,
[04:45:00] I don\'t know why I\'m still running out of time.
[04:45:00] One by one I will conquer you all no matter how high the wall ! 
[04:45:00] All my life I\'ve been running too fast,
[04:45:00] I don\'t know why I\'m still running out of time.
[04:45:00] One by one I will conquer you all.
[04:45:00] All my life I\'ve been running too fast,
[04:45:00] I don\'t know why I\'m still running out of time.
[04:45:00] One by one I will conquer you all no matter how high the wall ! 
[04:45:00] All my life I\'ve been running too fast,
[04:45:00] I don\'t know why I\'m still running out of time.
[04:45:00] One by one I will conquer you all no matter how high the wall !

One By One - Last Train


Last Train-One By One的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲Last Train-One By One的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供Last Train-One By One的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

歌曲One By One的歌词下载

When will you get up ? It\'s no longer enough to pretend.
When will you wake up ? It didn\'t turn out the way you planned !
Everyone\'s too blind to see this is another issue for me.
Have you given up ? (Yes, you did - long ago)
So will you show up before the whole world comes to an end ?
And will you grow up ? Or will I have to take you by the hand ?
I know it\'s tough. I won\'t be too rough on you.
Can you take it ?
All my life I\'ve been running too fast,
I don\'t know why I\'m still running out of time.
One by one I will conquer you all no matter how high the wall !
Is everything up ? Are you telling me that\'s all I can get ?
I\'m gonna blow up ! You\'ll say it was the next logical step.
It\'s the way I feel, always have, always will.
Something compels me to run and so much needs to be done.
But I can take it.

All my life I\'ve been running too fast,
I don\'t know why I\'m still running out of time.
One by one I will conquer you all no matter how high the wall !
All my life I\'ve been running too fast,
I don\'t know why I\'m still running out of time.
One by one I will conquer you all.
All my life I\'ve been running too fast,
I don\'t know why I\'m still running out of time.
One by one I will conquer you all no matter how high the wall !
All my life I\'ve been running too fast,
I don\'t know why I\'m still running out of time.
One by one I will conquer you all no matter how high the wall !

悦听音乐网提供Last Train-One By One的MP3音乐在线试听下载,One By One的QQ空间背景音乐外链。